A Simple Guide to Making Any Pan Sauce

From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Discover the Power of Pan Sauces to Transform Your Meals into Culinary Masterpieces

plate with sliced chicken breast and a chicken pan sauce

Why a Pan Sauce is the Ultimate Sauce

In the world of culinary delights, there is one type of sauce that stands above the rest – the humble yet mighty pan sauce. Renowned for its ability to elevate even the simplest of dishes, pan sauces have earned their place as the ultimate sauce in the culinary realm. What makes them so special? Let’s delve into the reasons why pan sauces have become a staple in both professional and home kitchens alike.

First and foremost, pan sauces have gained popularity in restaurant kitchens for one simple reason – flavour. Chefs across the globe rely on the transformative power of pan sauces to add depth, richness, and complexity to their dishes. The secret lies in the process of deglazing, where the fond (those flavorful browned bits) left at the bottom of the pan after cooking meat or vegetables becomes the foundation for a delectable sauce. By incorporating the fond into the sauce, the flavours meld together, creating a symphony of tastes that harmonize with the main components of the dish.

The versatility of pan sauces is another factor that contributes to their popularity. With just a few basic ingredients and a bit of culinary finesse, you can create a pan sauce to complement a wide range of dishes. Whether you’re searing a steak, sautéing chicken, or roasting vegetables, a pan sauce can be customized to match the flavours and ingredients of your chosen dish. From savoury to tangy, creamy to herb-infused, the possibilities are endless. This versatility allows chefs to experiment and create unique flavour profiles, ensuring that no two pan sauces are alike.

Furthermore, the beauty of pan sauces lies in their simplicity and efficiency. In a fast-paced restaurant kitchen, time is of the essence. Pan sauces offer a quick and efficient way to enhance the flavours and textures of a dish without adding unnecessary complexity. With just a few minutes of deglazing, simmering, and reducing, a flavourful pan sauce can be ready to grace your plate.

In conclusion, pan sauces have rightfully earned their place as the ultimate sauce in the culinary world. Their ability to enhance flavours, their versatility, and their simplicity make them a favourite in restaurant kitchens around the globe. So, the next time you’re looking to take your dishes from good to extraordinary, don’t forget the power of a well-crafted pan sauce. It’s the secret ingredient that can turn an ordinary meal into an unforgettable culinary experience.

butter, herbs and garlic being fried in saute pan


I’m going to use the example below based on making 2 portions of pan sauce from 1 frying pan / saute pan / skillet.

  1. Access how much fat you have left in the pan, add a little butter, tallow, ghee or any other fat if you feel its a little dry
  2. Place the pan onto a low heat, as low as possible to start we don’t want to burn the precious fond.
  3. Throw in your aromatics and gently saute for 30 seconds to a minute. These aromatics could be garlic and thyme, chilli, garlic and lemon zest (thickly cut), oregano, cumin seeds and paprika. Its literally endless, the idea is to “bloom” the aromatics in the fat to extract their flavour in this short cooking time.
  4. Now add your alcohol, this could be white wine, cider or vermouth for white meats like chicken and pork.  For beef, lamb, vension and other red meats, you’ll want to use more robust flavours like red wine, port, cognac, sherry etc.  If you don’t want to use alcohol at all you could add some different types of vinegar to a little water and do the same process as with the alcohol or skip this step completely and add some citrus juice at the end.
  5. Now add your stock, for the white meats I generally use chicken stock, for the red meats I generally go with beef stock or some sort of a mix.  Reduce whilst stirring until you have your desired consistency and flavour.
  6. From here you can finish with a dash of cream or stir in cold cubes of butter for a Monte Au Beurre finish to the sauce.
pan sauce being prepared in frying pan

Tips & Tricks

  • ALWAYS REMEMBER the pan handle 9 times from 10 will be oven hot so place a cloth on the handle or some other visual reminder.
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of flour is enough to thicken up to 2 portions of sauce.
  • A great gluten-free alternative for the wheat flour is a corn flour slury.
  • If you don’t want to use any alcohol then look at adding some vinegar or finish with some citrus juice for that acidic flavour.
  • This sauce can be as simple as, remaining fat in the pan, flour and some stock. Its up to you how you flavour it for each individual dish.
Yield: 2 Portions

A Simple Guide to Making Any Pan Sauce

plate with sliced chicken breast and a chicken pan sauce

Have you ever wondered how a simple pan sauce can transform an ordinary meal into a symphony of flavours? The art of crafting a luscious pan sauce is a culinary technique that every aspiring home cook should master. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen enthusiast looking to take your cooking skills to the next level, this recipe is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of creating the perfect pan sauce.

A pan sauce is a magical elixir that captures the essence of a dish, elevating it to new heights with its depth and richness. It's the crowning glory that brings harmony and balance to your culinary creations. From succulent steaks and tender chicken breasts to earthy roasted vegetables, a well-crafted pan sauce has the power to turn a simple meal into a restaurant-worthy masterpiece.

In this recipe, I’ll guide you through the art of deglazing, where those golden brown bits left at the bottom of the pan become the foundation of a tantalizing sauce. With just a handful of ingredients and a few minutes of your time, you'll be able to create a sauce that will have your taste buds dancing with delight.

Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 3 minutes
Total Time 3 minutes


  • These ingredients are based on 2 portions from one chicken pan
  • 1 x frying pan with plenty of fond stuck to the bottom
  • Small knob of butter (10-20g)
  • Heaped teaspoon of flour
  • 50ml wine OR 25ml of any stronger distilled alcohol
  • 120ml chicken stock


  1. After removing the meat from the pan and allowing it to rest, do not discard the fond (the flavourful browned bits) at the bottom of the pan.
  2. Place the pan on a low heat, being careful as the handle may be hot.
  3. Add a small knob of butter to the pan and let it melt.
  4. Add one clove of garlic lightly crushed with the skin still on and a small pinch of a herb of your choice.
  5. Cook the aromatics gently in the pan for 30 seconds to a minute.
  6. Add a heaped teaspoon of flour to the pan.
  7. Cook the flour in the butter for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring continuously. This step helps to cook out the raw flavour of the flour.
  8. Deglaze the pan by adding a splash of white wine or cider. Alternatively, you can use water as a deglazing liquid.
  9. Allow the wine or cider to evaporate, which will take a few seconds.
  10. Add the stock to the pan.
  11. Simmer the sauce, allowing it to reduce and thicken to your preference. The time required for simmering can vary, but taste the sauce periodically to ensure the desired flavour is achieved.
  12. Once you're happy with the thickness and flavour of the sauce, it is ready to be served.
  13. Enjoy your delicious homemade pan sauce, which can be prepared in just 3 minutes!

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