Easy Guacamole Recipe | Authentic Recipes

Let’s explore the delightful world of homemade guacamole—a classic Mexican dish that has found its way into the hearts and palates of food lovers worldwide. In this blog post, we’ll be combining traditional methods with modern tweaks to create a guacamole that promises a burst of flavours and textures that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight. So, let’s get started on this gastronomic journey as we unveil the secrets to crafting the perfect guacamole!

guacamole on a tortilla chip

Step 1: The Traditional Tool – Molcajete Our guacamole-making adventure begins with a nod to tradition, as we use a molcajete, a Mexican stone mortar and pestle. If you don’t have one, fret not! A large mortar and pestle or even a mixing bowl will do the trick. The molcajete adds an authentic touch to the process, creating a unique experience while preparing this mouthwatering dish.

Step 2: Mellow Garlic Infusion To start, add one peeled clove of garlic to the molcajete, along with a pinch of salt. Now, the magic begins—squeeze the juice of half a lime into the molcajete, immersing the garlic in the tangy goodness. By pounding the garlic into the lime juice and salt, we achieve a smooth paste that mellows the garlic flavours, resulting in a well-balanced guacamole.

peeling the avocados with a spoon

Step 3: Ripe Avocados – The Heart of the Dish A crucial step in creating a stellar guacamole lies in choosing perfectly ripe avocados. To determine ripeness, gently squeeze the avocados; they should yield slightly without feeling too firm. Additionally, the stalk should come off effortlessly and reveal a vibrant green color underneath. Once you’ve found your ripe avocados, prepare them by cutting them into halves and removing the pit with a gentle twist or a scoop of a spoon.

Step 4: The Guacamole Base With the avocados in the molcajete, proceed to bash them gently. Alternatively, if using a mixing bowl, a fork will suffice. Avoid over-bashing, as the guacamole should retain some texture, rather than becoming a smooth puree. Remember, it’s the combination of creamy and chunky that makes this guacamole truly special.

Step 5: The Flavourful Finale Now comes the exciting part—adding the complementary ingredients that elevate this guacamole to the next level. Finely dice two serrano chillies, a third of a red onion, and a small handful of coriander or cilantro. Additionally, dice one tomato, reserving half for decoration. Incorporate all these ingredients into the avocado mixture in the molcajete, mixing them together without over-mashing.

crushing the avocados

Step 6: The Art of Dicing Onion Dicing the red onion requires some finesse. Begin by cutting the onion in half from top to tail and removing the top. With the root end facing away, make slices across the onion, following the direction of its lines. Smaller slices at this stage will result in a finer dice later. You can rotate the onion 90 degrees and make horizontal cuts for an even finer dice. However, this step is optional and depends on personal preference.

Step 7: Coriander or Cilantro Magic Chop a small handful of coriander or cilantro, rolling it into a bunch and lightly chopping through it. For a finer result, spin the bunch 90 degrees and chop it again to ensure there are no large bits of stalk remaining.

Step 8: Tomatoes for Texture Dice half of the tomato and mix it into the guacamole, reserving the other half for decoration. To dice the tomato, quarter it and remove the seeds, then slice the quarters into batons. Rotate them 90 degrees and cut them into a dice, creating that perfect tomato texture in the guacamole.

guacamole being made in a molcajete

Step 9: Balancing Flavours – A Delightful Experience Now, the guacamole is almost ready to tantalize your taste buds. Taste for seasoning and adjust as needed, adding lime juice and a touch of salt. Avoid overpowering the guacamole with lime juice; it should complement the flavours, not dominate them. Achieving the right balance will make this dish truly memorable.

Step 10: The Finishing Touch As the guacamole cools slightly, place the remaining diced tomato on top for a delightful garnish. Serve this scrumptious homemade guacamole with tortilla chips, and watch as your guests revel in its delectable flavors and textures.

Conclusion: You’ve successfully crafted a mouthwatering homemade guacamole that perfectly marries tradition with modern flair. From the authentic use of a molcajete to the perfectly balanced flavours of garlic, lime juice, and spices, this guacamole embodies the essence of Mexican cuisine. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or simply craving a delicious snack, this guacamole promises to be a showstopper. 

Easy Guacamole Recipe | Authentic Recipes

Easy Guacamole Recipe | Authentic Recipes

Whether you're hosting a gathering or simply craving a delicious snack, this guacamole promises to be a showstopper. Enjoy this culinary masterpiece, and savour the delightful blend of creamy avocados, zesty lime, and flavourful spices in each bite. Thank you for joining us on this guacamole-making journey, and may your kitchen continue to be filled with culinary delights!


  • 2 x Ripe avocados
  • 1 x Lime
  • 1/3 Red onion
  • 2 x Serrano chillies
  • A smal handful of coriander / cilantro
  • 1 x Tomato (I used a Roma tomato)
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a molcajete (traditional Mexican mortar and pestle), add the peeled garlic clove and a pinch of salt.
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lime into the molcajete and start pounding the garlic into the lime juice and salt until you have a smooth paste. This helps mellow the garlic flavor.
  3. Prepare the avocados by cutting them in half, removing the stones, and scooping the flesh into the molcajete with the lime juice. Alternatively, use a mixing bowl and mash the avocados with a fork.
  4. Bash the avocados in the molcajete (or mix in the bowl) until you achieve a slightly textured consistency, not a smooth puree.
  5. Add the finely diced serrano chilies, finely diced red onion, and finely chopped coriander (cilantro) to the avocados. Mix everything together gently to maintain some texture.
  6. Season with more lime juice and a little salt to balance the flavors. Avoid overpowering the guacamole with lime juice; it should complement the other flavors, not dominate them.
  7. Decorate the top of the guacamole with the remaining diced tomato.
  8. Serve the guacamole with tortilla chips and enjoy its fresh and delightful taste.
  9. Note: You can adjust the seasoning to your liking and add more lime juice or salt if needed. Avoid using too much lime juice, as it can overpower the other flavors in the guacamole. Enjoy!

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